Today, one of my favourite people is celebrating his third birthday. My sweet nephew was born three years ago and if I ever need to be reminded that time flies, watching him grow up is definitely that reminder. It seems like just yesterday he was welcomed into the world and now, as he grows, I am amazed everyday at his expanding vocabulary and how much he looks like a little man. His love of Star Wars, super heroes and sports and how much he wants to be like his big brother are just a few of the many things that make me love him so darn much. (And his adorable red hair is pretty darn cute, too!) The way he so excitedly exclaimed “Look what me got!” after every single present he opened this Christmas, whether it was socks or a hockey stick, was so special for me as it reminded me what it's like to be a kid.

Being a kid seems so carefree. When eating your vegetables seems like the biggest struggle and play time lasts all day long, it’s no wonder we don’t all wish to be a kid again at some point. When I think about being little and what it was like to live with such few worries, it reminds me of a story that was often told in my household. My dad went down to the kitchen one morning to find the fridge open just a crack. As he got closer, he was shocked to discover that he had not left it open all night like he feared but instead, found my younger sister crouched inside stuffing Reese's Peanut Butter Cups into her mouth. However, in the crafty way that only children seem to know, she held up her hand cupping two chocolate cups in it and so sweetly said “Scott and Ashley?” as if she had been waiting to share with my brother and I all along, thinking that if she shared, she wouldn't be in trouble. If only being cute and clever could get us out of trouble like that now! Children have such an innocent way of seeing the world and watching my nephews grow up is such a lesson in simplicity. To get excited over the simple things, like socks, and to know how important sharing is to making the world go round are the little lessons that as we grow up we can so easily take for granted. Taking a look at the world through the eyes of a little one can instantly make the world seem like a sweeter place.
Why do you love about the little ones in your life? What keeps you young?
that is a cute story- I could use a RPBC about now- Your nephew is a cutie pie!
Happy Birthday to your very cute nephew. I think cute and clever works for lots of people :)
aww, I remember feeling this way about my nieces & nephew! Now that I have my own little one it's even worse. I sometimes find myself wishing life had a pause button. However - I don't really feel old (unless I stare into the mirror for too long) because my fiance is so carefree, and it has started to rub off on me.
how cute!!! nothing like the family to keep things interesting in your life!
What terrific photos, and an adorable little guy!
What a cutie!! I miss being young so much. But sometimes I'll find myself eating cookie dough for dinner while watching cartoons and think, do we ever really grow up?
Oh he's such a sweetie! I love his red hair and I definitely think it's cute when he says "look what me got" hehe. I can't wait for my little man to talk and it's insane my little boy is going to be 2 in July! I almost can't believe it. It seems as if I just didn't notice where the time has gone and I can't believe that he's just grown up right before my eyes! It's crazy
Happy Birthday to the little guy. He is really adorable and I love his hair! I love looking at kids and I totaly agree that we as adults often lose that excitment and innocent that is so important. I think I try not to look at my age and just be as happy as I can be each day:)Have a fantastic Tuesday, darling
Your nephew is SO cute! Happy birthday to him!
I have a 4 year old niece and an 18 month old nephew. I love how smart my niece is and how amazing her memory is! Seriously, I don't know how she does it. And my nephew is the happiest little boy I've ever met. They haven't had the easiest life so far but they're just wonderful anyway :)
I keep telling my five-year-old niece to stop growing, in which she just laughs at me. Seriously though, my oldest niece is 10, my nephew is 8 and their birthdays are all coming up! IT breaks my heart!!
Aw, Happy Birthday to him!
What a cutie!! That first photo is adorable :)
My neice just had her second birthday and I was feeling pretty nostalgic too. Two years seems to have passed by too quickly.
And your nephew is so handsome. The red hair is adorable. :)
I wanted to thank you, also, for stopping by my blog! Your comment want a really big compliment and I appreciated it a lot.
Hopefully this is the start of a lovely bloggy friendship. And I mean that in the non-creepiest way possible.;)
I always ask myself WHY I was so eager to grow up as a kid...
Your nephew is adorable.
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