Last week, while checking in on some of my favourite reads, I was making my way through
The Bucket List, reading
Sara’s post about The Versatile Blogger award she had just received. After learning seven random things about her as the award dictates, I began to check out the 15 bloggers she was passing the award on to…and to my surprise, one of them was me! I am super honoured and excited to be recognized and thought I would love to play along.
ONE. I. Love.
French Fries. I can’t get enough of them. I really have a hard time saying no even though I know they’re not good for me. Would you like fries with that? Always yes. With salad or fries? Always fries.
TWO. I am
afraid of bridges. Yes, it might sound strange but something about being on a bridge that, in my mind, could fall any second makes me weak in the knees. I think there’s something more to this fear like a fear of losing control or a fear of falling but until I get to the root of it, a fear of bridges is what I call it.
THREE. One day, when I have more money and most importantly, more dispensable income, I would like to treat myself to regular
manicures and pedicures and a house full of
fresh flowers. I know I don’t need either of these luxuries but they make me smile. Feeling beautiful is important and a little pampering wouldn’t hurt every once and awhile.
FOUR. I don’t like
hot chocolate or chocolate milk. This really is unbelievable to a lot of people but I have just never liked either of them. I think there is actually such a thing as too much chocolate, however, I don’t expect anyone to agree with me.
FIVE. I am a
huge sports fan. I’m usually a fairly quiet person but when I’m watching sports, I get overly excited and have a tendency to get loud.
SIX. I’ve
emailed my mom (almost) every single day since I moved away from home. Even if it’s a one-liner-have-a-great-day email, I like feeling connected to her even though there is so much distance between us.
can’t tell a joke for the life of me. If you told me a joke right now, and I tired to tell someone else, I would mess it up. Without a doubt. There’s really no point in me trying.
Thank you so much to Sara for this award!
I hope all of the following blogs will appreciate the honour just as much as I did (...and hopefully play along too - seven random facts about you and 15 bloggers to award)! Please wander over to these fantastic blogs by some amazing Versatile Bloggers…
Abigail from
Alycia from Crowley Party
Brandi from not your average ordinary
Brie from i heart kiwi
Gabby from Gypsy*Diaries
Hollie from and baby makes three…
Holly from Holly Knitlightly
Ilene from much love, illy
Jenn from much to my delight
Krystal from Village
Krysten from After ‘I Do’
Lauren from pen.ny
Leigh from Leigh Ashley
Lenore from Lather. Write. Repeat.
Tiffany from Dancing Branflakes