Friday, October 1, 2010

one film, four words

I really enjoy going to the movies. On top of the entertainment it provides and the yummy snacks I fill up on, going to the movies gives me the opportunity to be a movie critic - expressing my honest opinion about what characters I liked, what plot twists were unnecessary or why I can’t wait to hear what others will think of the casting. So what would I do if I only had four words to sum up my feelings about what I’d just seen on the screen? I’d probably think it was impossible but that’s exactly what users at The Four Word Film Review struggle to do on a daily basis. The challenge not only comes from having to sum up your thoughts in such few words, a tough task in itself, but the most creative reviews are both informative and humourous – not an easy assignment if you ask me.
Summing up a movie in only four words would be a challenge to say the least. Usually, after watching a movie (or during a movie!), you can’t keep me quiet. Whether I’m raving about the perfect plot or making suggestions so it’s not a snoozefest, I’ve got some kind of critique for the makers of the movie. Keeping it short, clever and with some hint of what the movie is about with a limited amount of words seems cruel at first. But once you take a look through the thousands of reviews posted by users from all around the world, it suddenly seems intriguing (My personal fave so far? Superbad: “Not super, not bad.”). So how would I describe a movie in four words or less? I haven’t been able to come up with a good one yet but now that I’m trying, I think it will be hard to stop. The next time I’m in the theatre or curled up on my couch watching a movie, I know what I’ll be doing – training my brain to think in four word increments and trying to come up with the best critique that I can. Easy? I think not.

Can you sum up a movie in four words or less?


Tiffany Kadani said...

This is so funny! Hmmm.... Little Women: Women need their men.

ag. said...

Aah, that's good, you're way better and quicker than I am!! I keep wracking my brain and coming up with nothing!

Jude said...

This is hilarious! Thanks for a good laugh :) My brain is too fuzzy to think of anything right now (but I like the suggestion above :)).

Poppies and Sunshine said...

That would be hard to do! I'm going to be thinking about this next time I watch a movie!

Melissa Blake said...

that's awesome!!! Thanks for sharing the link! xoxo

k said...

never! i really don't think i could! i'm going to try though when i see movies next!

Elise / Pennyweight said...

Ahhh, I don't think I can!! This poster is amazing... I laughed when I read it. :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I watched The Crazies last night...Disturbing could be reality.

iheartkiwi said...

I love this!

The last movie I saw was Eat, Pray, Love: A Delicious midlife crisis.

Kellie Collis said...

These are very funny! Now, I'm wondering how I would do if I were to critique a movie in four words. Yay! Kellie xx

paislea said...

thanks for entering my giveaway!!


This is just amazing! I'm so going to give this a shot and I'll let you know :)

Melanie's Randomness said...

I love the one for the Da Vinci Code! Four words or less is hard...hmmm... The movie Labyrinth keeps popping in my head. "David Bowie plus Cup" maybe? lol!

Liked this post! =)

Blair McLeod said...

okay my husband would love this site... he doesn't see a movie without checking ALL the critics first!


officially following you! :)

Silvia C said...

I'll remember this post next time I go to the movies. I can't think of any movies now...Ugh! Love the post!