Wednesday, June 23, 2010

simple smiles: leaps and bounds

I’m kinda a nerd when it comes to taking fun photos.
Okay, I’m a big nerd when it comes to taking fun photos. It’s one of those little things in life that really makes me smile. So when I got my wedding photos back last night I was thrilled with the way the photo below turned out.

Thanks to Jessica Balfour for the fabulous shot.

The bridal party was a tad skeptical…and who wouldn’t be? Can you please jump as high as you can in your cocktail dress or tuxedo so the bride can have a fun photo? Probably not ideal but it’s the kind of photo that I take in most (okay, all…) places I go. So when I stumbled upon this post from Hi + Low about Philippe Halsman’s recent photography exhibit, I was happy to know that I’m not alone. It makes me smile to know that someone else out there is taking photos of people jumping; a simple act that we do less and less of as we get older. I think it captures such an interesting moment, it really brings out a different side of the subject without them realizing what facial expression you may be capturing or where exactly their hands, legs, arms, or feet may be when the shooter snaps the shot. It may be silly but it’s something simple that I can’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

What makes you smile? Do you like doing silly things in photos?


Valley Art Project said...

This is so funny! Out of all your wedding pictures I bet that at your 30th wedding anniversary, this one will be the one that makes you laugh!

ag. said...

Aw, thanks! I think you're right, while I do love all the others, this one is definitely the most original!
And the looks on some of the guys faces are just priceless!

Tiffany Kadani said...

I love it! The men are so awesome in their shapes!

ag. said...

I agree!!! It's like they talked about it beforehand but we kind of surprised them with it so they are just awesome on their own! And the girls did the best they could with those dresses on!